Detailed Engineering
Assessment (DEA)
In recent years, an urgency has arisen to strengthen deficient buildings as part of disaster risk mitigation. Detailed engineering assessment are conducted to evaluate the current state of these structures, identifying weaknesses and areas for improvement. Subsequently, modifications are made to existing structures to enhance their structural performance during an earthquake.
Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA)
In recent years, an urgency has arisen to strengthen deficient buildings as part of disaster risk mitigation. And modifications are made to existing structures to improve their structural performance during an earthquake. Our structural team provides specialized services such as visual Inspections, Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA), Retrofitting with a close eye on the vulnerability of Buildings or Structures to earthquakes and other natural hazards. Most of the buildings Inspections, Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA), Retrofitting are intended to project life, ensure safety or reduce the risk of casualties in the event of an earthquake.
And inform that in addition to building safety, Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA) is done on Electrical and Fire safety as a requirement of our Clients.
Do the following the step for Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA) for Building safety:
Material Test and Properties Survey:
– Soil test report (if not valid report available)
– Digital Surveyor Report
– Foundation Exploration (if no foundation drawing available)
– Spot check of foundation at least three location (central, corner & edge).
– Foundation exploration plan
– Pictorial evidence
Core Test ((if no concrete strength report is available)):
– At least 4 Nos. of core taken from column
– Core sample collection plan
– Pictorial evidence
Rebar Scanning:
– Rebar Scanning at all possible areas- all type of column, beam & slab.
– Detail Image Scan report for all type of structural members
– Pictorial evidence in report
As built Architectural Drawings: As built Architectural drawings should be checked according to Alliance Standard, Scaled and dimensioned Architectural Documents (with proper signature and seal), including:
Scaled site plan showing
– General layout of all buildings in the complex with labels
– Location and names of adjacent streets
– Location and size of utilities, if known
Scaled architectural floor plan for each level of each building showing
– Architectural detail dimension
– Location and size of stairs
– Location and size of elevators
– Location of fixed walls
– Location of corridors
– Labeled usage areas on each floor, e.g. sewing, storage, dining, rooftop, office, etc.
– Location of major machinery and equipment
– General layout of factory activities
– Roof Plan showing any construction, equipment, water tanks, or tower added a top roof level.
Scaled elevations of each side/façade of the building showing
– General configuration of the building including door and window schedule
– Location and type of façade materials
– Accurate number of levels and any intended future vertical or horizontal expansion areas.
Scaled cross-section of the building showing
– Must cover stair location
– Location and type of materials
– Dimensions between floors
– Accurate number of levels and any intended future vertical or horizontal expansion areas.
As built Structural Drawings: As built Structural drawings should be checked according to Alliance Standard Scaled and dimensioned Structural Documents as follows:
Floor Plan for each level showing:
– Foundation layout plan
– Foundation details including rebar detail
– Measured locations of columns and walls
– Column reinforcement details (tie and rebar schedule)
– General size and layout of beams and section detail including stirrup detail
– All floor slab details (rebar detail in both direction with extra top detail and Thickness
of slabs)
– General size and location of major floor openings
– All stair detail including stair beam detail
– Shear wall detail (if available)
– Signature and seal of responsible engineer (with IEB membership number and date) in structural drawings.
Structural Analysis Report (Computer Model Analysis File) Input Data:
Geometric references as per existing structural & architectural conditions:
– Size & properties of all type of structural member.
– No of Story & its height
– Column definition as per drawing
– Beam & slab layout plan as per drawing.
– Stair case as per drawing including inclined slab
– Shear wall as per drawing
– Cantilever as per drawing
– Support condition with proper engineering judgment.
Cantilever Analysis as BNBC 2006.
Concrete & Steel Strength
– Concrete strength as per ACI 562
– Steel strength as per test result or obtained data
Dead & Live Load
– Self-weight of structural member
– Floor finish as per existing structure
– Partition & periphery wall
– Parapet wall
– Special loading such as Stair load, dining area, prayer area.
– OHWT (RCC & plastic water tank load)
– Mobile tower related load
– Boiler load
– Minimum live load 42 psf. (It should be mentioned that as per Accord/Alliance Standard)
Lateral Load
– Wind Load as per BNBC 2006
(It should be properly assigned as per BNBC)
Load Combination: Minimum load combination should be as per ACCORD/ALLIANCE GUIDELINE but if anyone use more than these load combinations, that report is obviously accepted and highly appreciated. But at the time of preparing design documents (if anyone use Accord/Alliance load combination) it should be clearly mentioned in the report that “Load combination is used as per Accord/Alliance Standard”
– For RCC Structure
Five load combinations should be followed as per Accord/Alliance Guideline:
1) 1.2DL +1.6 LL
2) 1.05 DL + 1.25 LL + 1 Wx
3) 1.05 DL + 1.25 LL – 1 Wx
4) 1.05 DL + 1.25 LL + 1 Wy
5) 1.05 DL + 1.25 LL – 1 Wy
– For Steel Structure
1) 1.2DL+1.6LL+0.5Lr
2) 1.2DL+0.5LL+0.5Lr+1.3WX
3) 1.2DL+0.5LL+0.5Lr-1.3WX
4) 1.2DL+0.5LL+0.5Lr+1.3WY
5) 1.2DL+0.5LL+0.5Lr-1.3WY
Final Report/Results (EA for Structural Safety of Building)
Serviceability Check/compliance report
– Deflection check/compliance report
– Drift/Horizontal displacement check/compliance report
– Slenderness check/compliance report
Structural Adequacy report:
– All foundation check/compliance report (factor of safety & punching shear)
– All Column adequacy/PMM ration/DCR ratio Check/compliance report
– All Beam including stair beam adequacy check/compliance report
– Slab thickness, steel & punching shear check/compliance report
Factory Master Layout drawing and design:
– Includes as built survey drawings of factories having multiple structures.
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