Sustainable & Green Buildings Consultancy
“Green or Sustainable building is the practice of creating healthier and more resource- efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition.” ------ EPA
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. Sustainable Development can be defined as-
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation”
Green Building
Green Building is the idea of designing or retrofits a building so that it is environmentally friendly have least impact on environment, produce less waste, energy efficient, water efficient, resources efficient and healthier inside for all occupants. Green Building definition as-
“Green or Sustainable building is the practice of creating healthier and more resource- efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition.” ------ EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
“Green Buildings are high performance structures that also meet certain standards for reducing natural resource consumption. Buildings or homes that are more energy efficient, produce less waste and are healthier to be inside” ------ USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council)
There are different wording and focuses, depending on the ideas of the institution but the Green Building basics concepts are same.

Green Building Benefits
The Green Building Concept is based on Triple Bottom Line Benefits:
- Environmental Benefits
- Health & Community Benefits
- Economic Benefits
Environmental Benefits:
- Waste reduction.
- CO2 Emission Reduction.
- Improve air and water quality.
- Reduce solid waste up to 50% to 90%.
- Conserve natural recourses.
- Reduce energy use by 30% to 50%.
- Reduce Carbon emissions by 35% to 39%.
- Reduce water use by 30% to 50%.
Health & Community Benefits:
- Increased staff output and worker performance.
- Improve air, thermal and acoustic environments.
- Faster patient recovery.
- Enhance occupant comfort and health.
- Minimize strain on local infrastructure.
- Superior retail sales.
- Contribute to overall quality of life.
Other Benefits:
- It will make the project very unique and superior thar other available projects.
- It will provide free publicity in the Electronic and Print Media.
- This building will improve the company images and create a name in the World Sustainable Community.
- LEED referenced standards includes ASHRAE, EPA, EPact, IESNA, ASTM, SCAQMD, ISO, ENERGY STAR, IPMVA, ANSI, etc.
Top Benefit:
- Very good tools to motivate employee to become positive and productive.
- Help employees to feel proud of their workplace and contribute positively for company bottom line.
Triple Bottom Line Benefits of Green Building Including:
Corporate TAX Discount:
Certified Green Manufacturing Projects (Export only) will pay 10% Corporate TAX (general TAX is 20%) as the notification has been issued by Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and notification date of 23 June 2019 .
Economic Support Benefits:
Realizing the importance, Bangladesh Government attaches due importance on renewable energy and energy efficiency issues and created significant benefits for building green. Bangladesh Government supports the Green concept and created following organizations and also gives incentive to support Sustainability and Green Concept.
– Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA):
Bangladesh Government attaches due importance on renewable energy and energy efficiency issues and as such enacted Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) Act in 2012 to facilitate, regulate and to promote all aspects of energy conservation and development of sustainable renewable energy in the country.
– Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL):
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) was established on 14 May 1997 by the Government of Bangladesh. The Company was licensed by the Bangladesh Bank as a non-bank financial institution (NBFI) on 5 January 1998. Since its inception, IDCOL is playing a major role in bridging the financing gap for developing medium to large-scale infrastructure and renewable energy projects in Bangladesh. The company now stands as the market leader in private sector energy and infrastructure financing in Bangladesh. IDCOL help facilitation of Home Solar System for 4.6 million homes which is a world record.
– Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited (BIFFL):
Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited (BIFFL) is the biggest Non-Banking Financial Institution in Bangladesh owned by Government having authorized capital and paid up
capital of BDT 100 billion and BDT 20.10 billion respectively. BIFFL was established in 2011 as a special purpose vehicle to mobilize the PPP budget through financing infrastructure projects building partnership with private sector investors. Apart from that, to uphold sustainable development, BIFFL is also committed to protect environment and adopt eco-friendly measures in all aspects which are of its foremost priority while considering any investment transaction.
– Bangladesh Bank Green Financing:
Bangladesh Bank Sustainable Finance Department was established on July 23, 2015 upon extinguishing the previous Green Banking and CSR Department with a view to develop Sustainable Banking (i.e. Green Banking and CSR) framework and to integrate it into core business operation of banks an Fls through efficient and effective implementation of Green Banking and CSR.
Summery Green Financing Opportunity and Benefits:
– Certified Green Buildings are qualified for Bangladesh Bank Green Financing Initiatives with very low interest rate.
– Bangladesh Bank Green Financing is also available for Green Retrofit Buildings and Energy Efficient Machineries.
– Proposed Green Building or Factory Project may qualify for special Green Financing Opportunity from Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited (BIFFL) and Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) with very low interest rate.
– International Investment and Loan is available for Qualified Green Projects. Renewable Energy Investment can be finance by BIFFL or IDCOL with very good terms and good Rate of Return (ROI).
– Renewable Energy Investment can be finance by a Third Party under a consortium with very good terms and Rate of Return (ROI) with very little investment by project owner or company.
– Energy Efficient Machinery can be finance by IDCOL and BIFFL at very low interest rate.
Why Green!
Here are some information (Facts) that can help us to understand the current situation;
– More than 3 million kids under the age of 5 years die every year due to environmental factors like pollution.
– Pollution is one of the biggest killers, affecting more than 100 million worldwide.
– More than 100 pesticides in any medium- air, water or soil can cause birth defects, gene mutation and cancer.
– People who live in high-density air pollution area, have 20% higher risk of dying from lung cancer, than people living in less polluted areas.
– House owners use chemicals that are 10 times more toxic per acre, than the amount used by the farmers.
– Americans buy more than 29 million bottles of water every year. Only 13% of these bottles are recycled every year.
– It takes only 5 days for a jet stream in Chine to carry the air pollution to the United States and Pollution in China can change the weather in United States.
– A single person produces 2 kilograms of garbage every day.
– Every 1 million ton of oil that is shipped, approximately 1 ton from gets wasted in the form of spills.
– More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to safe drinking water.
– 5000 people die every day as a result of drinking unclean water.
– The garbage dumped in the ocean every year is roughly around 14 billion pounds. Plastic is the major constituent.
– Pollution kills more than 1 million seabirds and 100 million mammals every year.
– Approximately 46% of the lakes in America are extremely polluted and hence risky for swimming, fishing and aquatic life.
– There are more around 73 various kinds of pesticides in the groundwater, which is used as drinking water.
– There are more than 500 million cars in the world and by 2030 the number will rise to 1 billion. This means pollution level will be more than double.
– Let Every year around one trillion gallons of untreated sewage and industrial waste is dumped in the water in U.S.
– Almost 80% of urban waste in India is dumped in the river Ganges.
– Acidification of the ocean is the worst type of pollution. Oceans are becoming more acidic due to greenhouse emissions from fossil fuel.
– Livestock waste majorly contributes to soil pollution. During monsoon, water runs over the fields carrying dangerous bacteria from the livestock into the streams.
– In the great “Smog Disaster” that happened in London in the year 1952, approximately four thousand people died in a few days due to the high concentrations of pollution.
We can find many more Science Based Factual Data to support the needs for GREEN and Sustainability. One of them is Global Warming. Global Warming is created and continually creating by all of us and it does not affect any country separately, it affects all of us.
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